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From coexistence and exchange, the carrying out of this work. Whose photographs are the product of surrender and search for connection with ancient cultures and their ancestral worldview. The ritual works were photographed under the influence of ayahuasca, snuff, sananga and kambo - traditional healing methods of the original Amazonian peoples. 


During the research process, I revisited the experience with the Huni-Kuin people, from 2017, which began the research; and got to know a little about the Yawanawá culture. Carrying out a field trip to Aldeia Mutum, in the Indigenous Territory of Rio Gregório, in Acre, at the beginning of 2022. Both indigenous peoples (from the PANO linguistic group); These people permeated me and helped to constitute my being in the world. During the research I began to understand the work as an idea/concept in performance documentation based on my works: Mãe (2019), with the participation of my mother, Nazaré Soares; Jardim Pra Erê (2021), with Mônica Ventura; and Ni Pei (2022) ritual conducted by Tsatsa Wãnnu (Márcia) Yawanawá.


Completing the Master of Arts at  Institute of Arts at Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP: FOTOGRAFIA-RITUAL, concludes not only an academic research process, but a moment in my life, whose reflection and elaboration reverberated important works in my career. This page was created with the aim of sharing the research with the community. The link below redirects to the university's institutional repository.

BÁRBARA MILANO is a fruit between black, white and the ancestor of the land of Pindorama. Master in Arts from Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP, 2020), he developed the action research "Photography-Ritual" in the line of research: Artistic Processes and Procedures (PPGA-IA). He studied Visual Arts at the same institution (UNESP, 2015). She is currently a researcher in the GIIP and cAt (am art and technology) IA-UNESP/CNPq groups; is a professor at SENAC-SP;It isworks as a visual artist in exhibitions and  residences in Brazil and abroad.

To get in touch,

Where the work has already been:

2023_ (exhibition) What hurts heals? | Diaspora Gallery

2022_ (event proceedings) Mother, woman, shaman | Affective / Affected Cartographies: Feminisms, images, genres and arts |  FIGAS-UNESP     

2022_ (congress proceedings) The Memory of Presence | Seminar on Bodies, Knowledge and Territories in Arts and Education |       

           SESC/UNESP  ISBN 978-65-88778-10-4

2022_ (publication) Photo Essay | GIS Magazine - Gesture, Image and Sound | USP Anthropology Magazine | e-ISSN 2525-3123

2021_ (exhibition)  Amazon Mapping Festival 2021

2021_ (exhibition and catalogue) Luz Del Fuego International Exhibition of Brazilian Women in Photography (Argentina)

2021_ (international event) Proceedings | LINK: 3rd Conference on Practice-Led Research in Art and Design (New Zealand)

2021_ (workshop) Paranapiacaba Photography Festival

2021_ (live) Paranapiacaba Photography Festival 

2021_ (exhibition) Art and Cosmologies – International Art Event. Broadcast | UFSM - Federal University of Santa Maria

2020_ (exhibition) SP-FOTO - Sp-Arte photography fair

2020_ (seminar) Emergencies | Organized by PPGA-IA-UNESP students

2020_ (exhibition) IA+ART | University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

2020_ (exhibition) Compensation Zones 7.0  | GIIP-UNESP

2017_ (publication) Photography | ABATE Magazine #4 | ProacSP2017| INSS 2447-5521 


© 2022 Barbara Milano. All rights reserved. 

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