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[...] of modes of existence as artistic production and is based on relationships and their reverberations, whether in personal projects or in partnerships with other artists.


The search unfolds by languages 

multiple , which are in the process of creation and construction of the works, 


be secretions such as blood; 


be actions: of the body as an act; 


objects; or photographs. 


Forming language a record of my experiences of displacement and immersion. 

The performance is the drive of the body revealed. And it appears as a vital movement along the way. I call what I do hybrid healing practices... Naked, like "the fur-covered & androgynous Shaman "


[how to be a woman?]


modes of existence / body as act

original document (CNH),  pine frame


Ph: Bruno Leão

Developed during  artist residency program

Pivot Search  from June to September 2021

ciclo cura

Sertão do Cariri  _ 2024

#8M_Bárbara Milano e Nazaré Soares em 08/03/2023 em SP.jpg

#8M  |  Action / Public Act |  Woman's March  |   March 8, 2023  |  São Paulo | Ph: Anna Bueno


[ mother, daughter, annatto, bone necklace, Huni Kuin healing bracelet, snuff and piassava broom ]

MOTHER, 2019

performance | 40 min | with: Nazaré (mother of the artist)

LAVRA 2019, Hélio Oiticica Municipal Art Center

Occupation of Praça Tiradentes 03/30/2019

Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Ph: Gabriel Vieira

exhibitionss where the work went:

Mining 2020

Curator: Jessica Kloosterman and Paula Borgui

02/15 to 03/28/2020

Hélio Oiticica Municipal Art Center, Rio de Janeiro - RJ


Mothering (Solo Exhibition)

Curator: Barbara Milano

01/19 to 02/27/2021

OC Alfredo Volpi, Sao Paulo - SP



09/10/2022 to 01/08/2023

Curator: Andreas Beitin, Katharina Koch, and Uta Ruhkamp

Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Germany


El Corazón Aúlla: Latin American Feminist Performance in Revuelta

Curator: Alexis Heller and Tatiana Muñoz-Brenes

09/29/2022 to 01/23/2023

The 8th Floor | S&D Rubin Foundation

New York, USA 


Quilombo: life, problems and aspirations of the black

Curator: Deri Andrade, Douglas de Freitas and Lucas Menezes

11/19/2022 to 07/16/2023

Lago Gallery, Inhotim | Brumadinho-MG


Maternity: perceptions about being born

Curator: Carolina Rodrigues | Latin Artists

03/04 to 05/20/2023

Sesc Duque de Caxias | Rio de Janeiro - RJ


integrates the collectionCALMON-STOCK 



My mom braids my hair. My mom braids my hair. My mom braids my hair. I try to prepare. Life must go on. All displacement is the action. My sister died without becoming a mother, without knowing Rio de Janeiro. I always asked not to die for my mother's sake. I never thought she was going to bury a daughter. My sister's daughter was not born, I think that was why she was murdered by him. Art likes to talk about big things ... Great events in life, social and political, about what never ceases, about what may always be repeated ?. I like to talk about small things. What will one day inevitably end? About what changes almost nothing ... And at the same time, that's all. All that can be said about life is gesture, and it is small. This is a work about love. It is a work about mother, about care. And I dedicate it to my mother.


solo exhibition _ 2021

pra nascer

To be born you have to die, 2023


[body, cotton cloths, wooden spoons, be careful]


Record of ancestral midwifery ritual in Abiayala (still preserved today in the territory now called Mexico) 4 hours | At home | Driving: Bel Mattos


Polaroid recording by Bel Matos. Frame in walnut box with museum glass 24x22cm.


Documented by (Archiva Práctica Social Feminista Latinoamericana)


CY, 2023

[  terra, cerâmica, alfazema  ]

Performance de abertura da exposição MATERNAGEM  |  Sesc Duque de Caxias  |  Curadoria: Carolina Rodrigues  |  Artistas Latinas


*​​Cy, do tupi antigo: mãe primordial - Pesquisa: Casé Angatú. Registro em Polaroid por André Stock. Moldura em caixa de nogueira com vidro museu 24x58cm


Testimony produced at the exhibition "What Hurts Heals?" by the Diaspora Gallery | Sep/2023 to Jan/2024

sem medo

Barbara Milano and Francesca Lazzeri





Ph: Barbara Milano


[for the right to walk without fear in the dark]


 Bárbara Milano | WITHOUT FEAR, 2018 | Fine Art print 30x42

by Nacional Trovoa at SP-Art 2020


Fruit of the process of convience during the artistic residency NINE, conducted by Francesca Lazzeri (It / Nl). The lick-lick “WITHOUT FEAR” was a work developed in co-authorship with the same, also counting on the involvement of all the participants of the group, in all we were 12 women from different states of Brazil, mainly from Piauí, the Brazilian state with the highest rate of feminicide recorded in the period before our residence.

Ph: Maurício Pokemon

Body Investigation | during residency: Incorporated demolition | Evelin Macelo | 2018 | CAMPO | Teresina-PI

para ficar bela
vulvas / sangra

SANGRA SANGRE is a process that I developed between 2010 and 2014 (during my degree in Visual Arts at Unesp) from the observation and experiments that I carried out with  my menstrual blood; I made about 180 ceramic pieces which I called "vulvas". The pieces traveled with me in a later process, being presented to women during conversations provided by the meetings... A work of strength, of silence more than words...

IMG_9279 (1).JPG

VULVAS [moon time] | 2011 | installation / site-specific

wood, ceramic sculpture and menstrual blood | L.O.T.E. | UNESP, São Paulo.

This photo (2014) participated in the project "Miles for Women's Lives" curated by the platformLatin Artistsin 2021.
fotografia ritual

Master's Degree in Arts in Development by UNESP


© 2022 Barbara Milano. All rights reserved. 

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